Numeric Component

The numeric component is a wrapper around the C++ stdlib <numeric> header. The functions contained within this header take a range of values. However, as is common in the C++ standard library, it requires the user to provide a begin and end to the range of elements. Because MNMLSTC Core provides a range type, there is no logical reason a version of these functions that take a range are not provided.

The numeric component resides in the <core/numeric.hpp> header.


Several functions in this component take a range as its input, and an output iterator for output. These functions do not change the output to also be a range. An iterator must be passed to them (This reduces the number of overloads needed while also allowing the continued use of back_insert_iterator and friends.

void iota(Range&& range, T&& value)
Requires:range must provide ForwardIterators

Fills range with sequentially increasing values, starting with value. While range is treated as a universal reference, its lifetime should extend past that of the call to iota(), in the event that range is an rvalue reference. The value is simply perfectly forwarded to the underlying std::iota call.

decay_t<T> accumulate(Range&& range, T&& init)
decay_t<T> accumulate(Range&& range, T&&, BinaryOp&& op)

Computes the sum of the given value init and the elements in range. The first version uses operator +, while the second version uses op. Both init and op are perfectly forwarded. The lifetime of range may end with the call to this function.

Requires:range must provide InputIterators.
decay_t<T> inner_product(Range&& range, InputIt&& it, T&& value)
decay_t<T> inner_product(Range&& range, InputIt&& it, T&& value, BinaryOp&& op, BinaryOp2&& op2)

Computes the inner product (that is, the sum of products of the element in range. The first version uses operator * to compute the product of element pairs and operator + to sum the products. The second version uses op and op2 for these tasks respectively.

Requires:range must provide InputIterators
decay_t<OutputIt> adjacent_difference(Range&& range, OutputIt&& it)
decay_t<OutputIt> adjacent_difference(Range&& range, OutputIt&& it, BinaryOp&& op)

Computes the differences between the second and the first of each adjacent pair of elements in range, and writes them to the range beginning at it + 1. The first version uses operator -, while the second uses op. These parameters are perfectly forwarded to the underlying call to std::adjacent_difference.

Requires:range must provide InputIterators.
decay_t<OutputIt> partial_sum(Range&& range, OutputIt&& it)
decay_t<OutputIt> partial_sum(Range&& range, OutputIt&& it, BinaryOp&& op)
Computes the partial sum of the slemenets in the subranges of range. It then writes these values to the range beginning at it. The first version uses operator +, while the second uses the binary operation op.
Requires:range must provide InputIterators.